Embracing the Circular Economy: A Matter of Leadership and Collaboration

Jay Kostos

Client Success Officer & Head of B2G Academy

B2G Consulting

How can B2G Consulting help companies integrate circular economy principles to enhance supply chain reliability and reduce dependence on volatile external factors?

At B2G, we believe that integrating circular economy principles requires a collaborative approach. We facilitate collaboration between companies, suppliers, and customers to identify opportunities for waste reduction and resource efficiency. Our expertise in sustainable supply chain management enables us to guide organisations in adopting circular economy practices that drive business value.

We help companies rethink their designs, production processes, and business models to keep resources in use for longer, reducing waste and the continuous demand for raw materials.

Can you provide examples of how B2G Consulting has successfully guided organisations in adopting circular economy practices?

One remarkable example is our work with a light roofing manufacturer: we helped them develop a closed-loop supply chain, where waste packaging materials from companies like IKEA were reused as raw materials. This innovative approach not only reduced waste but also generated significant cost savings for the manufacturer. We’re proud to have played a key role in this success story.

What strategies does B2G Consulting recommend for overcoming internal barriers to effectively implement a circular economy model?

We recall working with a company that was struggling to get its employees on board with a new circular economy initiative. Our task was to develop a compelling story board around the opportunity to reduce waste, improve customer satisfaction, and drive revenue growth. Once they had a clear vision and business case, they were able to overcome internal resistance and drive meaningful change. What was important was to answer a simple question. And we believe that increasing the knowledge of our clients is crucial to driving meaningful change. Change is not easy, and no one likes to change.

Besides managers don't know what they don't know, that's why we launched a new educational program: B2G Academy, in collaboration with ISCEA (International Supply Chain Education Alliance), a world-recognized institution. Our flagship course, the Certification in Sustainable Supply Chain, aims to equip professionals with the skills and knowledge needed to deploy circular economy concepts in their organisations. Since the launch, we have trained over 200 professionals on techniques and approaches to adopt circular economy principles.

Let's be clear, deploying a circular economy is not an easy task. It requires a bold vision, strong leadership, and a willingness to disrupt the status quo. Yet, in this era of technological advancements, the possibilities have never been more promising. The time for excuses is over. The time for action is now.


Zero Waste. Maximum Impact.


Removing Gigatons of CO₂ and Empowering Smallholder Farmers with Circonomy's Biochar Initiative